7- so pretty it hurts

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present; narrative

Today was the day Jules and Rose were coming to Minnesota. I was pacing around the house trying to make sure everything was perfect. My dad, Azzi and Drew looked at me confused as I moved a pillow for the fourth time.

"P, calm down." Azzi said, grabbing the pillow and putting it back normally. Azzi was the only one who knew about my feelings for Jules. I still hadn't told my dad or anyone but I figured he would be able to tell with Jules here.

They were on their flight now, landing in about an hour as I tried to find a way to pass time. It felt like the minutes were moving backwards until Jules finally texted me saying they landed and me and Azzi could head to pick them up. I was shaking the whole car ride, nervous about seeing Jules and having her meet my family.

We parked and got out of the car waiting for the girls before I saw Jules squinting her eyes trying to look for us. Once she saw me she dropped her suitcase and ran to me, jumping into my arms like she usually did. I wrapped my arms around her waist as her legs went around mine. I buried my face into her neck as we hugged and she jumped down. Rose walked up to us with her and Jules' suitcases in hand which I took from her and put in the car. Jules hugged Azzi while I hugged Rose and we all got in the car, Jules taking her passenger spot.

"Drew is so excited to meet you, Paige has been talking about you non-stop all week and he got all happy. It was so cute." Azzi admitted and if I could throw her out of the car right now I would. There was no reason to expose how much I talked about her. Jules just smiled and laughed, hopefully thinking nothing of it.

"Yeah Jules was doing the same like my whole family knows everything about Paige now." Rose said laughing with Azzi. I smiled but held it back by biting my lip. Jules blushed looking away. Probably feeling just as embarrassed as I did.

We got back to my house and the second we all walked in Drew ran to the door.

"Hi Drew." Jules said excitedly, kneeling down to be at his level.

"You're Jules right? Paige is always talking about you." He said laughing, making me pick him up and carry him out of the room. My dad walked in seeing me carrying Drew around before I put him down to introduce the girls.

"Dad, this is Jules and Rose." I said pointing at the girls. He stuck his hand out and shook their hands, smiling and doing his own introduction.

"Thank you for letting us stay, Mr Bueckers." Jules thanked him and he let out a chuckle.

"Just call me Bob, you're a part of the family." He said and I looked at Jules. The smile on her face made my world turn. Her dimples are more prominent now. Her eyes held so much depth and love that I could stare into them for hours, looking for every shade. Butterflies erupting in my stomach by just looking at her.

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now